Fluffy Rabbit

23 September 2020, 12:30 921

Fluffy Rabbit

Decorative Fold Rabbit 

Materials :

For knitting such a cute rabbit we will need: 
-Fluffy yarn of your choice (I often use yarn with high wool content, it is also well combed with velcro). For this rabbit I used yarn Alize Alpaca Royal 55% acrylic, 30% Alpaca, 15% wool-100 g/250 m
-Hook under your yarn (I have 1.75)
-Beads for eyes or eyes for toys of the appropriate size (I have safe eyes 8 mm)
-Velcro for scratching
-The material for toning (the one that you used to work with, I have this permanent marker)
-Thread for nose embroidery (I have this muline), suitable color
-Needle with a large ear

SBN-Non-lime column
SS-Connecting Column
VP-Air Loop
PRSs – 1-scale column
S2N-Column with 2 scale
* 6 – Repeat 6 times

Front legs (2 parts) 
1 row. 6 in the Ring of Amaguumi
2nd row. PR * 6 (12)
3-7 series. 12 of the SBN (12)
Finish with a connecting bar, cut and hide the thread.

Head and body
1 row. 6 in the Ring of Amaguumi
2nd row. PR * 6 (12)
3 row. (1 SBN, D) * 6 (18)
4th row. 18 (18)
5th row. (d, 2 SBN) * 6 (24)
6th row. 24 Hours (24)
The 7th row. (d, 3 SBN) * 6 (30)
8 row. 11 SBN, D, UB, 4 SBN, UB, Ave, 9 SBN (30)
9th row. 17 SBN, UB, D, 6, D, UB, 1 SBN (30)
The 10th row. (d, 4 SBN) * 6 (36)
The 11th row. 16 SBN, D, UB, 1 SBN, UB, Ave, 11 SBN, UB, 2 SBN (36)
12 row. 17 SBN, D, UB, 16 SBN (36)
The 13th row. (1 SBN, D) * 3, 1 SBN, (5 SBN, D) * 2, UB, (d, 5 SBN) * 2, 3 SBN (42)
The 14th row. (PR, 2SBN) * 3, 33 SBN (45)
15 row. (3 SBN, D) * 2, 37 SBN (47)
The 16th row. (4 SBN, D) * 2, 37 SBN (49)
The 17th row. (5 SBN, D) * 2, 20 SBN, UB, 15 SBN (50)
In the next row tie the front legs.
18 row. 4 SBN, 4 SNe put together a foot and a body, further only on a body 3 SBN, 4 sonce again
We touch the second paw and the body at the same time, then only on Telu16 SBN, UB, 3 SBN, UB, 12
19 row. 4 SBN, 8 sproyazit on foot, then only on the body 3 SBN, 8 SBN again Proyazit
On the second paw, then only on Telu16 SBN, UB, 1 SBN, UB, 12 SBN (54)
20 row. 3 SBN, D, 7 SBN, UB, 1 SBN, UB, 7 sbn, Ave, 13 SBN, (1 SBN, UB) * 2, 11 SBN (52)
21-22 series. 52 (52)
23rd Row. 38 Sat, D, 3, D, 9 SBN (54)
24 row. 54 (54)
The 25th row. 39 Sat, D, 3, etc., 10 SBN (56 in)
The 26th row. 56 (56)
27th Row. 42 Sat, D, 3, D, 9 SBN (58)
28th Row. 44, PR, 3, etc., 9 SBN (60)
29th Row. 60th SBN (60)

At this stage it is most convenient to scratch the head and insert the eyes, if you use a safe

Now we need to shift the beginning of the series. To do this, fold the knitting in half (to
The bend line passed evenly in the center between the legs). From the bottom edge to the top count 18
PRs. From this place it is necessary to start a new row. To do this, move the start marker of the series
A few seconds ago or get a few more.
30 series. For the back wall of loops knitting PR * 8
For both wall loops knitting 20
For the back wall of loops knitting PR * 8
For both walls of loops knit 24 SBN (76)
The 31st row. 76 (76)
32 series. (UB, 1 SBN) * 5, 22 SBN, (1SBN, UB) * 5, 24 SBN (66)
33-34 series. 66 (66)
35 Series 45, (UB, 5 SBN) * 3 (63)
36 series. 38 SBN, (5 SBN, UB) * 3, 4 SBN (60)
37 series. 60th SBN (60)
38 series. 42 SBN, (4SBN, UB) * 3 (57)
39 Series. 42 SBN, (3SBB, UB) * 3 (54)
40 series. 42 SBN, (2SBN, UB) * 3 (51)
41 series. (15 SBN, UB) * 3 (48 in)
42 series. (7 SBN, UB, 7 SBN) * 3 (45 in)
43 series. (UB, 13 SBN) * 3 (42 in)
44 series. (UB, 5 SBN) * 6 (36 in)
45 series. (UB, 4 SBN) * 6 (30)
46 series. (UB, 3 SBN) * 6 (24)
47 series. (UB, 2 SBN) * 6 (18)

Stuffing the body

56 series. (UB, 1 SBN) * 6 (12)
57 Series. UB * 6 (6)
Projazit several SS, then make 2 VP, in the base 2 PRSs., s2n, 2 PRSs, SS. Thread
Clip, Trim
Ears (2 parts)
1 row. 6 in the Ring of Amaguumi (6)
2nd row. PR * 6 (12)
3 row. (5, D) * 2 (14)
4th row. (6 SBN, D) * 2 (16)
5th row. (7 SBN, D) * 2 (18) 6th row. (8 SBN, D) * 2 (20)
7-8 series. 20 km (20)
9th row. (8 SBN, UB) * 2 (18)
The 10th row. UB, 2 SBN, UB, 3 SBN, UB, 2 SBN, UB, 3 SBN (14)
11-14 series. 14 (14)
Fold, connect the edges, tying for the two sides of the 7 SBN. Thread fasten, trim, leaving Long end for stitching.

Rear legs (2 parts) 
1 row. 6 of the SBN (6)
2nd row. PR * 6 (12)
3-5 series. 12 of the SBN (12)
6th row. (UB, 4 SBN) * 2 (10)
7-9 series. Bi
Fold, get together 4. Thread fasten, trim, leaving the long end for sewing.

Next, all the details to scratch, sew all the details: ears to the back of the head slightly above the eyes, hind legs
On the tummy on one line with the front. Check our rabbit for stability, in Depending on the padding, you may need to duck the tummy. To do this, stretch the thread to Belly between the hind paws and bring to the neck, checking that the hind legs steadily stood. Embroider and tighten the face. We fix it.

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